Well, a miracle occurred at our house two weekends ago in the form of a family reunion that none of the people involved could have ever imagined. It's not really my story to tell & I'm not big on giving up anyone's privacy, so I'll keep it simple: after 50+ years JP reunited with all of his remaining sibliings.
It was as momentous as it sounds. Think Hallmark movie or one of those shows where some investigative people find longlost relatives. Exactly like that. How this all played out could truly be a television show except that no one who is involved is interested in that sort of thing. They are together now; that is enough.
So what do you do when three almost strangers fly in from around the country with no plans other than to spend time together and get to know each other after 50+ years? You sit together in the family room for many hours and everyone gets comfortable and then you talk and listen and tell stories and you cry a lot. Of course, I took my nervous energy and applied it to keeping everyone well-fed. They thought I'd done too much but they're new around here and haven't yet learned enough about me to know it's what I do - there's no changing that. If you are here, I will feed you.
I'm going to pat myself on the back a little bit here because of the part I played in this story.
I am a wife who is in love with her husband and since the first day we were together I knew something big was missing in his life. Turns out that missing thing was his entire family. For a lot of complicated reasons, he was not ever able to find them for all these decades and I had even spent a ton of my own time over the years trying to find out something, anything...to no avail. Until I convinced him to use the two DNA kits (Ancestry & 23andMe) I bought for him, figuring hey, why not give this a try? The rest, as they say, is history.
You can never know how happy your heart can be until you see one of the people you love most in the world embracing the siblings he never thought he'd see again...that he hasn't seen in decades...and filling that big, empty void.
So what do you do when three almost strangers fly in from around the country with no plans other than to spend time together and get to know each other after 50+ years? You sit together in the family room for many hours and everyone gets comfortable and then you talk and listen and tell stories and you cry a lot. Of course, I took my nervous energy and applied it to keeping everyone well-fed. They thought I'd done too much but they're new around here and haven't yet learned enough about me to know it's what I do - there's no changing that. If you are here, I will feed you.
I'm going to pat myself on the back a little bit here because of the part I played in this story.
I am a wife who is in love with her husband and since the first day we were together I knew something big was missing in his life. Turns out that missing thing was his entire family. For a lot of complicated reasons, he was not ever able to find them for all these decades and I had even spent a ton of my own time over the years trying to find out something, anything...to no avail. Until I convinced him to use the two DNA kits (Ancestry & 23andMe) I bought for him, figuring hey, why not give this a try? The rest, as they say, is history.
You can never know how happy your heart can be until you see one of the people you love most in the world embracing the siblings he never thought he'd see again...that he hasn't seen in decades...and filling that big, empty void.
God is so good.
As an aside, I would be remiss if I didn't mention how good it feels for me to have people in my life again that I can call family.
As part of the "well-fed" mentioned above, I made a lot of food including these French Chocolate Chip Cookies.
The reciped is adapted from the traditional Hershey's Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe; I just made it my own by using the far superior French flour and by omitting (by accident) the white sugar that the Hershey's recipe calls for in addition to the brown sugar. I don't like overly sweet desserts to begin with and almost always reduce the sugar in most recipes...so by mistakenly omitting the white sugar, these wound up being a very happy accident. Everyone loved them, so the proof is in the...cookie love.
For the record, I use Hershey's dark chocolate chips from BJs, which are larger than the ones you get in regular grocery stores.
If you're interested, here's some information on Why French Flour Is Better Than American Flour.
(It's not just French flour; European flours on the whole are far superior. I also use Italian flour.)