

Monday, November 30, 2020

Inertia During Worldwide Plague But Happy Holidays!

Well here we are in Month Nine of The Plague.

Thanksgiving was a few days ago and a lot of people went ahead and had too many people over to eat a meal that they could postpone and eat at any other safer time but, dammit, they won't be denied!

Black Friday was yesterday and did not disappoint despite the plague: the roads were rife with oblivious, manic shoppers and there was the requisite fistfight...this time at the local mall and over the last PS5, which I think is the latest video game apparatus.

Fighting. With fists. Over a video game machine.
During a pandemic.
Sure, why not?

If you are like me, none of the ongoing nonsense is doing much to restore your faith in humanity at a time when we so, so desperately need a little faith restoration.

Also, if you are like me, you're dealing with a whole lot of inertia right about now.

I don't even really leave the house much anymore except to go pick up curbside grocery orders, a service for which I have gratitude on a level I did not think possible.