Hello all.
I hope today finds you as happy as you can muster during these uncertain times.
Do you hate that term as much as I do? I'm sorry. I don't know why I used it. I won't do that again. 😕
Recently I have been stuck in a mildly depressive funk* and I wrote about it in a previous post. I received a comment from someone in response to that post in which the person wrote 'thanks for being so uplifting' with what I deduced might have been an itsy bit of sarcasm, and accompanied by the statement being punctuated with abundance of exclamation marks (!!!!!!!) which can sometimes come across as being shouted particularly when more than one is used.
Ha ha, I'm having fun with it although I am hoping that the commenter wasn't really yelling at me because there's nothing I can do to change about being in a funk and not being very uplifty right now.
See, I write from my real life.
Sometimes in my real life the things I write about might be happy, funny, weird, sardonic, sad, ridiculous, depressing, self-deprecating, etc.
Am I uplifting and encouraging at times? Yes.
All the time? No. I'm an actual person with various moods, emotions, etc.
Am I filled with a bunch of nonsense? Regularly. I use humor in all aspects of my life because
(a) what's better than laughing?, and
(b) humor is a fantastic coping tool when sh*t gets real (see resources below and image above).
I do not subscribe to the idea of constant positivity because it's unrealistic, unsustainable, and also unrelatable, which may be the most important 'un' of the three.