We finally had a real snowstorm on Monday 1/6 this week.
It snowed all day long which was nice and soft and pretty.
JP wisely stayed home from work even though it only snowed about 2 inches in the northern part of Delaware where his job is.
We got 8-10 inches downstate where we live and the roads were unplowed and treacherous so going anywhere was really out of the question.
We got 8-10 inches downstate where we live and the roads were unplowed and treacherous so going anywhere was really out of the question.
It's Thursday 1/9 as I write this and there's still 8 inches of snow on the ground. Nothing is melting despite days of blinding sunshine because it's freakin' freezing outside.
I am so over it.
I am snow over it.
I like snow on the day it snows. Then, on the next day, I like when it melts away.
I do not like blinding sunshine (in general) that does nothing more than magnifies the brightness of the snow and hurts my already sensitive eyes to the point where I can't leave the house; blinding sunshine should have one job after a snowstorm and that is to melt the snow away. If it can't do that it's useless.
I do not like blinding sunshine (in general) that does nothing more than magnifies the brightness of the snow and hurts my already sensitive eyes to the point where I can't leave the house; blinding sunshine should have one job after a snowstorm and that is to melt the snow away. If it can't do that it's useless.
I am winter cranky - which is very unusual for me.
It is supposed to snow again tomorrow into Saturday and the internet weather forecasters were initially calling for "epic snowstorm" and "a whopper of a snowstorm" but they have all now changed their clickbait tunes and have admitted that it's going to basically be a non-event, maybe an inch or two.
Fingers crossed.