Do you know what ennui is?
I will provide a visual aid for you so you can mentally imagine it:
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This is me sitting in a dark room on a sunny day, hand resting forlornly on face as I periodically let out a heavy sigh |
It's okay if you don't because I'm going to tell you anyway 😀 because writing about stuff is very therapeutic and you should try it soon, too, if you don't already do it.
1. Politics. I used to care about politics. I was even enthusiastic about this past election season for a tiny bit of time. Then it turned into a circus and I HATE anything circus-related to begin with
and then everyone got stupid about everything...
then a whole bunch of people started wearing pantsuits and pink hats which made me feel really embarrassed for them and some of that happened right around the time that I realized that I was screwed because there was no way in hell I was voting for either of the candidates because I was mostly embarrassed about and for both of them which left me feeling kind of hopeless...
and then the celebrities - oh my God, the celebrities!* - came crawling out of their holes and they were all foaming out of their mouths which made me hate them even more than I already did (do) because anyone who knows me knows how much I hate celebrities and they were all just spewing such stupidity and amazing self-importance and cult-like, Scientology-worthy adulation for one of the candidates and being all hypocritical as they pretended to be all kumbaya in their beliefs while calling for the head of the other candidate and not recognizing the mass hysteria they were caught up in and did I mention their amazing self-importance?... and I'm over here being appalled that people actually give celebrities credence because they're famous and have a lot of money as if that means anything which makes me feel embarrassed for all the zillions of people who hold these people up on some kind of pedestal and are horrifyingly being influenced by them...and the other candidate is making me feel embarrassed for him because he tweets and makes me actually write the word 'tweets' as I write about him which makes me embarrassed for him and for me because "tweeting" really?? I mean, come does one take another human being seriously if they tweet. It's so embarrassing.
2. I have had to stop following people I admire because they need to share their political thoughts with the world. And that confuses me because why the hell would you want to alienate an entire segment of people who admire you? I am talking about non-political authors and creators and business owners and regular people, etc. I don't need or want to know their politics. I want them to shut up about their politics.
3. What happened to all the independent thinkers? Why is everyone a lemming now? People used to be funny about a million things but now almost all of their humor is politically-based which gets old reallllly fast, by the way, and is giving me headaches because of all the eye-rolling I'm doing. How do I get everyone to start thinking about real life again and stop drinking the "pick one political side or another" Kool-Aid?
4. Snark. Everyone is snarky now about everything. Ad hominen attacks are the order of the day. Don't like what someone says? Attack them, call them names, make fun of their appearance. People are proud of themselves because of their superior sarcasm "skills" (e.g. Saturday Night Live, which used to be a funny show that brought people together to laugh together and have fun together. Keyword: together). People try too hard to be funny by using sarcasm and personal attacks ad nauseum. Meanwhile, I'm over here wondering why no one is addressing the a**hole epidemic.
5. Social media everything. "Did you see what I posted on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Etc?" or
"Look how great/popular/funny/successful I am because a bunch of people clicked the Like button." Ugh.
6. Cell phone everything. As I write this I am unsure of the exact location of my cell phone since I haven't used it since sometime yesterday afternoon. It is downstairs somewhere. On the charger? In my handbag? In the car? No clue. Yes, I am an alien. A proud, unaddicted-to-my-cell-phone alien.
7. Labels. Oh my God I am so sick of the idiots who label people for.every.little.thing.

Be careful about opening your mouth or having an opinion that differs from the masses about anything because you will absolutely be labeled a racist/bigot/homophobe/sexist/xenophobe/misogynist/islamophobe/classist/elitist/ageist/anti-semite/etc.
But wait...
do people even have opinions that differ from the masses anymore?! Am I the only one left?
8. Spending an excessive amount of time pining for the way things used to be: simpler, kinder, funnier, less partisan and divisive.
Heavy sigh...
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