Photographers are people who know what they are doing. They know what f/stops are and aperture stuff and all about correct ISO. I have to be honest and say that I could not care less about any of that stuff and I hate having to think about any of it when all I really want to do is simply click. Which is why I am a phototaker and not a photographer.
That said, I love cameras. My cameras are portals to my otherworlds; I take them with me whenever I leave the house and in return they take me to record Magic In The Ordinary in the pictures that I take.
I have three cameras, two of which are my primary cameras: a point and shoot Nikon Coolpix P500, and a Canon Rebel T3i. The third is a tiny little Canon PowerShot that is about 12 years old. I still use it, mostly when we are out on the motorcycle because it fits in my back pocket. It still takes terrific pictures, too, but they're not really suitable for use in my photo art.
I mostly hate the Canon. It takes beautiful pictures most of the time but it has major drawbacks in my picture-taking world. For one, it's heavy (I have arthritic hands). For two, no matter what shot I want to take I always have the wrong lens on the camera which means lots of fumbling...and cursing.
For three, it's persnickety and I have no patience or tolerance for anything animate or inanimate that's fussy.
I love the Nikon. It's like having a really good and reliable friend. I point, I shoot, it delivers. But it has its limitations and mostly they fall under the Quality category. It takes beautiful pictures but loses points for detail and speed.
So I bought a new camera last week. A Nikon P900 with ridiculous zoom. We took it out this weekend to shoot some stuff and I'm not yet convinced that I like it enough to keep it. Preliminary thoughts are that the ridiculous zoom is not great and will require a tripod and I am in no way a tripod kind of phototaker as I never stand in one place for any length of time whatsoever. Today I'm going to take all three cameras out and shoot with them so that I can compare, then decide.
In the meantime, here are some test shots I took with the D900 this weekend all around our area here in Really South Jersey:
example of the poor quality with the ridiculous zoom - will play around more with it to see if it improves |
old rusty safe on the beach...we were wondering the story behind this |
most perfect tree ever |
On an aside, I hope these pictures help to dispel any (stereotypical) image you might have of New Jersey.

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