That sentence or something similar is also in multiple newspaper articles about me.
For awhile, it worked.
My artwork did make people slow down and really see what they were looking at. I knew this because they told me so. I would receive messages about how some people would linger on an image of mine and let it sink in, feel it. Or how it brought up a beloved memory. That sort of thing.
I treasure those interactions like you would not believe. My husband will tell you that I get more excited about that kind of thing than I do when I make a sale (but sales are really nice so please feel free to go buy something of mine right now!).
But getting people to slow down and see is not working anymore and the reason I know that is because of LIKES.
Every single time I talk about LIKES I am always compelled to add a disclaimer along the likes of "of course I always appreciate receiving likes" because right after that there is a big old BUT.
I appreciate receiving likes BUT they make me crazy.
I appreciate receiving likes BUT sometimes I don't.
I appreciate receiving likes BUT I wish there was no such thing as the like button.
I'm so frustrated by the epidemic of 'liking' that I am in serious reconsideration of how I do things so that I can not rely so heavily on social media. Oh I know there are 700 bazillion businesses and people who are A-OK with getting likes but, you know, it just ain't me. The like button makes me feel hollow. That's the truth.
A week or so ago on Instagram someone posted a beautiful poignant photograph. She had captured a real moment between two people with her camera - it took my breath away.
I noticed she had a couple dozen likes for it but no comments. So I left one. I told her how it made me feel, that it was the best thing I'd seen on the internet in days. I wanted to show my appreciation with words and I wanted to make her feel good. She never responded to my comment which maybe is her style but I could never in a million years not respond to the kind of comment I left for her.
When was the last time you showed your appreciation with words instead of or in addition to the nanosecond like click? Why not NOT click the like button and instead leave a comment?
How many times did you mindlessly click the like button as you scrolled scrolled scrolled or swiped swiped swiped? At the end of the day do you remember what you really saw that day?
I mean, really saw.
We're too wrapped up in this like thing. I almost never use the like button because it's so awkward to me + well, I kinda really just hate it. Sorry. Still just being truthful.
We're so inundated by images. I don't think our brains can handle it. We're rapidly losing our attention spans and that is really, really bad. That's one of the big reasons I have to come up with ways to do things differently instead of posting on social media. If I sent you an email with my latest art you couldn't click a like button, but you could potentially look at for longer than a second or two because you wouldn't be under the spell of social media. The trance of scrolling and swiping.
Can you imagine walking through a museum really fast saying "" as you walked past amazing artwork? Hopefully you wouldn't do that. But you are doing exactly that on the internet. It's not good. I think we all should be horrified that we're no longer in awe of...much. When was the last time you saw something that made you talk about it at the dinner table?
The following link is to an article that nailed this topic better than I ever could. I urge you to read it. Here's a sample from it:
The Like has become the currency of carelessness — a way to show we approve without being deeply invested. In many cases, it covers for a lack of attention. It helps fake news propagate, discourages meaningful conversations, encourages shallowness, and exacerbates the most psychologically damaging effects of social media.
Yikes, right?
Here's the link: Why Facebook and Instagram Should Kill The Like Button
I hope you slow down today and really see some stuff and show your appreciation for it with words.

Just wanted to say, I hear what you are saying and agree with you 100%! I love looking at your art and hope to one day one some of it. For now, I look at your pictures with fondness and feel the little flutters in my stomach as it sweeps me away to some forgotten memory of my past living with my grandparents as a child. You are the type of person I could become close friends with as we seem to carry a lot of the same thoughts and beliefs, not to mention the creative side :) Keep up the good work!
DeleteWow! I am floored by what you wrote here. It's like receiving a gift!
Oh, how I love the power of words.
And, yes, let's be like-minded friends. You have absolutely made my day.