The kibble, though, has to be the kind for small dogs or puppies. They don't care much for the adult dog size.
Then we sat outside with them for awhile, listening to them talk to us and each other. I adore them and they know it. It's daily magic.
This morning, we stayed outside for awhile since the terrible heat and humidity we've been plagued with all summer has broken, replaced with glorious cool, soul-soothing air.
As we sat out this morning listening to the crows and the soft breeze through the trees, I noticed that the light has started to changed already. Fall light is coming.
The harsh sunlight of summer is starting to be replaced by the soft filtered light of Autumn.
I can already feel the rigidity I've been holding inside because of the frenetic nature of summer starting to melt away. Sweet relief.
I came upstairs to my office late this morning and opened the window next to my desk.
Something shiny caught my eye.
Tucked into the frame where the window screen sets in was this torn topping from a shiny bag. It definitely wasn't anything of mine and there's no way it found its way up there by itself and then tucked itself into the window frame unless we had some kind of mad wind storm or hurricane and I missed it.
More magic.
Yesterday was JP's birthday. He is not big on his birthday so it was just a low-key day. It is not in my nature to not make a fuss on anyone's birthday, but I would never do anything he didn't want so we chilled. I wasn't feeling good anyway, Sherb had a migraine and I didn't want her to drag herself out and over, so it all kind of worked out.
Our new neighbors moved in this weekend so we bought them a housewarming gift of a charcuterie cheese board and a nice bottle of wine. JP brought it over to them in the afternoon and he must have mentioned to them that it was his birthday.
Lo and behold, our doorbell rings a few hours later and there are our new neighbors handing JP a big old ice cream cake from Dairy Queen personalized with 'Happy Birthday JP'! I mean, how kind was that?
Since I wasn't feel well, we put the cake away and now have a date to share it and cocktails with our new neighbors on Thursday for a belated birthday mini-celebration. So fun.
I know JP doesn't like to make much of his birthday but I saw the look in his eyes yesterday when he carried that cake into the house.
A little kindness really does go a long way.