But hope is on the horizon as this dreadfully hot summer with all of its oppressive sunshine and breathtaking (literally) humidity and dew points will soon yield to fake Fall (Labor Day) and then real Fall...when it will still be stupid hot but pumpkins and mums will start showing up everywhere psyching you into not thinking about how the temperature really hasn't changed much at all.
I have been stuck in the house for the past four or five days because it's too hot for me to safely go outside.
My lungs - damaged since they both collapsed 10 years ago - don't take kindly to humidity so I have to stay inside when it's oven-like outside. On the bright side of being forced to be mostly housebound for 3-4 months, you can legitimately call me Homegirl...which I kind of like.
In fact, I was inspired to design a new t-shirt as a result. If there actually is an upside to being housebound it's tapping into all kinds of creativity so I don't lose my mind from boredom.
Introvert that I am, I actually love being at home; it is here that I would rather be than any other place.
I just don't like it when I'm forced to stay there because I'm in Climate Prison. That's when things get dicey.
However, as I write this - the day after a cold front moved in - it is 58° glorious breathable degrees this morning.
Halleujah, I have been set free!
At the almost end of August, I can finally go outside and enjoy summer.

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