

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Outrage Du Jour

If you're paying any attention to the world right now, you already know what the Outrage Du Jour is and because I am very, very tired of All Things That Incite Outrage, which is basically everything at this point, I flat out refuse to even mildly broach the current outrage topic.

I have my views on it and you shouldn't care what they are because that's not why you're here, so I'll just keep them to myself.

(But I will tell you that you might be surprised to know that my opinions often fall into the Unpopular category.  We'll just leave it at that. Also, I'm an introvert so bandwagons aren't really my thing.  Too crowded, too loud.)

Wait, though.  Can I just run off to a brief tangent so we can talk about what I just wrote for a minute?  The part about "that's not why you're here".  I wrote a piece about that once, I'll have to find it.  I'm talking about when you follow a person or their page or whatever and it's because they bake or they make origami or they write poetry and you really like the thing they do but the next thing you know they're off and running on some political tirade or rant about the most recent Outrage Du Jour and you're all like Huh? What's happening?

Call me crazy but living life in a perpetual state of outrage doesn't seem like a good way to live your actual life.

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