This past Saturday we hit the road, off on yet another adventure.
I had recently come across the Facebook page for St. Peter's Bakery (St. Peter's Village/Elberson, PA) and it looked absolutely lovely so I knew we had to get there.
Also, for the record, I do not pass up the chance to visit bakeries.
What we discovered is that little tiny St. Peter's Village has big charm. It is one of those places where you feel like you stepped back in time and finding these sorts of treasure spots is one of my major life missions as back in time holds more allure for me than current time.
There isn't a lot there - the bakery/cafe, an antique shop, old school arcade, ice cream, new age shop, wine shop. Oddly, there's a psychologist office in one of the shop-type buildings. Not sure if they accept walk-ins 😄
It definitely has a new age feel and they would do well to bring in a little bit more diversity, but I'm sure they like it just fine and don't need me to drop my opinions on them.
We had Luna the dog with us so we couldn't eat lunch inside the bakery. They have an amazing patio out back that looks out over French Creek
but it was pretty crowded and we weren't sure if they allowed dogs out there and Luna would have been too hyper with all the people anyway, so we just ate our sandwiches at a little table on the front porch.
There was a 'but', in "this place is really charming BUT...".
Let me explain the BUT this way:
On Monday, JP told his boss that we had gone there and the very first thing his boss said was that he'd been there a few times with his own family but "it's a shame what they've done to those rocks."
He's right. It's a big shame, actually.
See, a whole bunch of people have been compelled to deface the rocks in the French Creek with "artwork" so it looks kind of horrible and, yes, very much defaced.
Because fluorescent paint just does not blend in all that well with the serenity of natural beauty although maybe there are some people who feel otherwise.
Here's a news story about a couple of people who got caught with their spray paint:
Father, daughter cited for graffiti in state game lands near Saint Peters Village
I'm a graffiti lover so it isn't that I don't appreciate that sort of creativity or self-expression, but there is a place for it and it isn't when you have to deface nature. It's like going to the Grand Canyon or Mount Rushmore and spray painting rainbows and stupid-a** nonsense all over everything. I didn't take a single picture of any of it because I found it to be very ugly and it messed with the vibe in a big way. So if you go there - and I think you really should because it's a really special place - just try to not focus on the fluorescent paint.
They're having a festival there on 11/24 so you might want to check that out.

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