No, it isn't because it's the middle of winter; I actually like that part. Winter is cozy and cloudy and you can breathe when you go outside and you can go places and they're not crowded - what's not to like about those things?
The reason I don't like January is because it was in this month ten years ago that I became very, very sick and fought for my life for 10 days in CICU. Pneumonia, lungs collapsed (pneumothorax). I still can't write all the details because...well...
At the point that this went down, I was already someone with a good deal of trauma in my life which had manifested in PTSD that was, for the most part, manageable. Then this thing happened and while I was ecstatic and grateful to the millionth power that I'd come through it, the episode and all it entailed (no details but you can imagine) manifested in - you guessed it - a more defined and cemented PTSD. Yay.
Long story short, January itself is a trigger. Double yay.
I have to keep really, really busy during this month and avoid being idle at all costs.
Idle = overthinking and overthinking =
Also, humor. I couldn't survive any of all this without it.
There are good things that come from bad things sometimes, though, and one of the good things that came from this event ten years ago is that I quit smoking. Although my illness back then was not caused by smoking, I still would have had to have been a complete moron to keep smoking after a double lung collapse that almost killed me.
So hooray! I have officially reached my 10 year anniversary of not smoking 😄
Thank you, lungs. I'm so sorry I ever abused you.
I've been keeping very busy with all the new creating I've gone back to doing.
I'm making clothes again...and greeting cards...painting...and still doing the photo art.
This has been loooong overdue.
I can't do just one thing. I've never been able to. Even when I was an editor I had to be juggling five other things in addition to editing reference books. I'm happy and excited.
I had a meeting with a new doctor today. Yes, a meeting. Like a meet and greet. Can you imagine? We sat and talked, no examination. She didn't even sit behind her desk but instead sat in one of the comfortably upholstered chairs alongside me in front of her desk. I guess that was so it didn't feel doctor/patient-ish. Our knees were almost touching. She wore regular clothes, nothing doctor-like about her. She asked if I wanted a cup of coffee from their coffee bar, where there were real mugs, not disposable. I told her about my doctor anxiety and she completely understood which was shocking because I'm used to being dismissed. She does everything differently than the way 99.9% of other doctors do things. She told me how she wants to do things the way it used to be done and I said I remembered well how that was...when doctors answered their own phones and made house calls (she makes house calls!), etc.
She asked - wait for it - if "I was even old enough to remember all of that".
That sealed the deal. She is now my new doctor! 👍
I read about the latest brouhaha that's got everyone all worked up - this time caused by Gillette and their new commercial. I spent some time reading the comments and watching people lose their minds over this.
All I have to say is that if you're getting your life advice from a corporation, you might want to rethink that.
While I was waiting to meet the doctor today, I was scrolling puppies on my phone.
I'm allergic to dogs but do okay with the breeds that are so-called hypoallergenic. That's what my Luna is - a hypoallergenic yorkie/poodle mix.
My brain tells me I don't need another dog but my heart tells me otherwise.
I wonder which one will win?

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