It was consistently at least 172° for the past three days.
That might be a slight exaggeration - but I don't think I'm off by much.
When the weather is that hot there is nothing else to do but sit in the house doing a whole lot of nothing which is exactly what we did.
Well, we also watched the clock a lot - counting down the hours until the weather people said the heat would start to wane - so at least we did do something.
And I checked the air conditioners regularly to make sure they were running fine.
Because of my persnickety lungs, I can't go anywhere near outside when the humidity/dew point gets above a certain point so I hunker down in summertime the way other people do in wintertime. I also have to take a ton of precautions in summer to protect my lungs so the entire season is mentally exhausting with the amount of hypervigilance I experience worrying about my health.
My neuroticism level - which is usually pretty high to begin with - goes off the charts in the swelter of summer.
I will never understand the glorification of summer. It's hot, sticky, and unhealthy.
Needless to say, I spend more time indoors in summertime than in any of the other three seasons.
It's like sometime around May I pull out the two or three outfits that I will wear all summer long which consists of articles of clothing that are at least two sizes too big for me. As a rule, I cannot feel any kind of constraint or uncomfortability with clothing at any time but that is exponentially worse in summer. I will melt down and have an actual fit just because my clothing is uncomfortable.
me in summer
Also, I have heavy, thick, very long hair so I also have to make sure that I have an ample amount of hair ties on hand since my hair will be in a high ponytail for the next several months. Heavy, thick hair is like having a wool blanket on top of your head at all times which is of course not fun in summer (but very handy in winter).
So in other words I spend the entire summer season looking homeless.
Then I wait.
And wait. And wait...and wait...and wait...and wait...and wait...
Just sitting around working from home day in and day out not going anywhere waiting for summer to finally be over.
Currently, fall is 61 days away and I am looking forward to getting back to my normal (stylish) self.
In other way more interesting news, after 8 years JP left his job at the dealership

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